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Wed Mar 26, 2025



Check back here frequently for the newest Arizona articles.

Arizona Poetry

Some of the most touching Arizona poetry can be found right here, by Leticia Pontoni.

Arizona Jokes

Check here for some good Arizona laughs. If you're not from Arizona and don't understand some of these jokes, ask an Arizona native for some help.

The Diamondback Diner

From the hottest and most delicious corners of Arizona Paths and directly to your kitchen, The Diamondback Diner is packed with the best reader-submitted southwestern recipes.


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Christmas Lights

Here's a list of great places to find Christmas lights around the state. Though a more appropriate (and popular) feature during the Christmas season, feel free to send us your display information for the next Christmas season.

Arizona Renaissaince Festival

Huzzah for the festival! Enjoy merry-old England right here in the desert; open every weekend through February and March.

Water Conservation Tips

In a drought, saving water is a necessity. Here are some helpful hints by SRP (Salt River Project) to help conserve water.

Radio Cafe

Radio Cafe, with Don Sandler, is the longest continually running restaurant and food show in the valley. Find out what the show is about, and email your comments and questions to Don.

Grand Canyon
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