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Prospective Resident re: scorpions

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msg: 46

Sun, Nov 26, 2006, 1:20pm

Here is the way I look at the spiders and scorpion issues, coyotes, mountain lions and bears.

If you move onto their street, by their house (the desert) they get to visit you any time they want.

They were here first.
msg: 47

Mon, Feb 5, 2007, 1:16pm

I have lived in Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

for 30+ years and not until last night - YES- February 4, I am frightened of a scorpion in my home. I have walked right past rattle snakes, never been frightened! So I say be frightened and use your black lights to see them and get a cat. I would have never know I had a scorpion if I never had a cat.
msg: 48

Tue, Feb 20, 2007, 6:13pm

we bought a home in goodyear june 2006
and moved in on the 10th of the month, we started to see scorpions right away and were completly freeked out. we came from out of state and had no idea there was a chance of scorpions in your home. we were in the home 3 weeks when I called it quits. no sleep in those 3 weeks either, I actually slepted in my car, at a hotel and back where we came from, untill we decided that this place wasnt for us. we are currently trying to get our money back because it was not disclosed to us that the home had scorpions.
I would recommend the state of arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

require all home sellers to have to disclose the strong fact that you will probably see scorpions.
msg: 49

Wed, Feb 21, 2007, 8:30am

<I would recommend the state of arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

require all home sellers to have to disclose the strong fact that you will probably see scorpions.>

But it's not true. The reason you saw scorpions was because of where your house was. Anytime you're near new construction, the edge of the valley, or natural desert, you're going to run into that. However, the vast majority of Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

homes do not have scorpions.

I was born here in Phoenix and have lived here my whole life. I do a lot of camping and hiking in this state as well. And other than in captivity (i.e. the zoo), I have never seen a scorpion.

If you don't have luck getting your money back for the house, I'd recommend getting a cat.. they'll take care of the scorpions for you.
msg: 50

Sat, Jun 23, 2007, 8:03am

I was just reading over some of the postings here and wanted to comment, (even though this is a fairly old thread).
For those of you afraid of the critters such as scorpions, tarantulas, widows, etc. I would like to say that if you multiplied your fears times 100, that would probably be a fair estimate of how these critters feel when they encounter humans.
Really, the only two creatures that you need worry about is the Black Widow and the Bark Scorpion. They both get a fairly bad rap as far as information goes regarding the strength of their venom. On a healthy adult, the bite (widow) or the sting (bark scorpion), does not typically create a life threatening situation. The good news....these guys would prefer to stay as far away from you as possible. Why you ask?????

1) Any normal size adult shoe is about 100 times larger than the creature.

2) You can eradicate them with bug spray from a safe distance - they, (if they were truly smart enough to "hunt humans," have to climb upon you to deliver a bite.

The bites and stings that occur from the above mentioned, are typically the result of "lack of awareness."
Putting on shoes without checking, jumping into bed without first checking for "sleepy scorpions" (Sidenote: If you have a "Sleep Number Bed," scorpions prefer an 85 setting)
Reaching blindly to grap things such as boxes in the garage, wood from the wood pile, pruning the bushes, etc.
Unfortunately for me, (notice I say unfortunately), I live in Seattle where I have to travel at least 2 hours to find any of these creatures. And...if I want scorpions or spiders from AZ, I have to pay dearly for them!
When I read your posts the first thought that comes to my head is "Lucky!"
I have worked with scorpions and widows for many years. I have handled Black Widows and Bark Scorpions (not recommended though!). They are not aggressive and will only bite or sting if they find themselves in a situation that they deem life threatening.
So....fear not my Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

Best of luck to all of you!

[edited by: NickCoons, reason: No email address. ]

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