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Fri Sep 20, 2024

Current weather in Palo Verde

Temperature °F
Dew Point °F
Humidity %

Normal climate conditions for Palo Verde:
Normal High Normal Low Average Precipitation
January 68°F 37°F 52°F 0.80 in.
February 73°F 40°F 57°F 0.80 in.
March 79°F 45°F 62°F 0.99 in.
April 87°F 50°F 69°F 0.26 in.
May 96°F 57°F 77°F 0.15 in.
June 106°F 65°F 86°F 0.07 in.
July 108°F 74°F 91°F 0.67 in.
August 106°F 74°F 90°F 1.22 in.
September 101°F 66°F 84°F 0.75 in.
October 90°F 53°F 72°F 0.64 in.
November 77°F 41°F 59°F 0.64 in.
December 68°F 36°F 52°F 0.92 in.
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