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"You know you live in Arizona when... run your air conditioner in the middle of winter so you can use your fireplace."

Restaurant Review
Fiesta Mexicana

Fiesta Mexicana, from what I hear, is a rather new restaurant at the time of this writing. I've tried on multiple occasions to go there over the past couple of months, but the parking lot has always been too full. Now I know why.

Feature Article
Holiday Confusion
by Nick Coons

Depending on where you live and how much you rely on the seasonal aisles in the grocery stores to tell you what holiday is up and coming, you're either getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving, or Christmas. Some of the stores may have even convinced you that this is now the time to buy all of your gifts for Christmas of next year as well.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

A man on a horse rode through miles of the sun-drenched desert searching for some sign of life. His supplies were running low when his horse died.

Now on foot, he desperately sought refuge from the heat, and, most importantly, a source for water.

Suddenly, he came across a vendor in the middle of the desert.

"Thank God I found you!" the man cried. "Please help me. I'm in dire need of some water."

"Well," said the vendor, "I don't have any water. But would you like to buy one of these fine ties."

"What am I going to do with a tie?" the man asked.

"That's what I'm selling sir. If you don't like it, I can't help you."

The man left the vendor and walked on for many more miles, praying each minute that he would find refuge from the scorching sun.

His eyes squinted a bunch of times when he came across a restaurant in the distance. Unable to comprehend a restaurant located in the middle of the desert, he assumed the place was a mirage, but decided to check it out anyway.

As he approached the door, his mouth opened in amazement, seeing that the place actually existed.

The doorman stopped him before he entered.

"Excuse me sir," the doorman said, "But you can't come in here without a tie!"
(more jokes...)

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