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Arizona Paths

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"You know you live in Arizona when...
...vehicles with open windows have the right-of-way in the summer."

Restaurant Review
Z's A Chicago Experience

A new restaurant opened within the past year in the old Burger King building on McClintock and Broadway. I've read the reviews, the articles, and the promotions of this restaurant, and I have to respectfully disagree.

Feature Article
Mill Avenue Food Critic
by Nick Coons

Dennnis "with three n's, the middle 'n' is silent" Skolnick, the Mill Avenue Food Critic, passed away on Saturday August 5th. He was found in his car over the steering wheel. A once homeless man with a substance-abuse problem, Dennnis had begun reviewing restaurants in downtown Tempe as a way to work and feed himself.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

The devout cowboy lost his favorite Bible while he was mending fences out on the range.

Three weeks later, a cow walked up to him carrying the Bible in its mouth. The cowboy couldn't believe his eyes. He took the precious book out of the cow's mouth, raised his eyes heavenward and exclaimed, "It's a miracle!"

"Not really," said the cow. "Your name is written inside the cover."
(more jokes...)

The RedSeven Computer Company

PC Chat Computer Radio Show
PC Chat