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Wed Dec 4, 2024

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Los Dos Molinos (Mesa)
Jul 12, 2004

Food Quality 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars
Service 2.5 Stars 2.5 Stars 2.5 Stars
Menu Selection 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars
Atmosphere 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars
Price 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars 3.5 Stars

Out of 5 possible stars.

Photo Not Available

by Nick Coons

"Some like it hot." Whether you remember that as a set of song lyrics from years ago, or the slogan painted on the front of Los Dos Molinos, keep one thing in mind -- The food is very spicy.

I'm a big proponent of spicy foods; I eat them all the time. When someone else's mouth is burning on the suicide wings, I'm asking for more. At most places, I can take down an entire table's serving of chips and salsa and still be ready for more without the spiciness even being an issue. But here, I was ready for just a bit of water after my third chip.

And it's not just the salsa that's spicy; it's all of their dishes as well. I was almost expecting a jalapeno to be floating in my Pepsi.

The food was very good, though the service was a bit sluggish. I consider it a personal challenge to go back over and over again until I'm completely used to the spicy food so that I can eat an entire serving of chips and salsa without breaking a sweat.

Los Dos Molinos is located at 260 S. Alma School Rd. in Mesa.

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