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Sat Dec 21, 2024

Radio Cafe

1st Hour:
1pm-chef Ruth Moriaty- of swiss chalet/ sweet nothings/
1:15pm- Chef mary sue Fowler-of sam's Cafe located at the Biltomore Fashion Square
Both are participants in getting our just desserts Sept 7th at orange tree golf resort sunday at 5pm

2nd Hour:
2pm- rick sederholt of remington's will talk about the traditional family entree recipe contest . submit your recipe by Aug 29th and have a chance to win an in home dinner for up to six people prepared by remington chef. also your recipe will appear on their menu

3rd Hour:
3pm- Kay lunsford of the arizona Dairy council
3:15pm- roger from thee pitts again restaurant

Grand prize an in home dinner x prepared for up to 6 people
by remington's chef
tickets to getting our just desserts.
pop the soda shop
and more


For advertising sales on Radio Cafe, call Marc Miranda at 480-423-1310.

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