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Wed Feb 19, 2025

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  Arizona "Dry" Humor >

Arizona Fish Can't Swim

A man went camping in Northern Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

, as he had many times before. But he noticed something different this time when he began fishing. There were no bites on his line at all. He headed over to the local market to get some new bait, and the shopkeeper gave him some advice.

"Don't even bother buying any bait," said the shopkeeper

"Why's that?" questioned the man.

"There ain't no fish 'round here no more. We had a freak flood come through and wipe them all out."

"But how would a flood wipe out the fish?" wondered the man.

"There ain't never been no water 'round Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

, so the fish never learned to swim."

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