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Photo Gallery

In this section, you'll find our continuously growing collection of photos taken all over beautiful Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

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Apache Trail

Along this route, SR88, lies many historical treasures, including The Superstition Mountains
Superstition Mountains(soo-pe'r-STI'-shu'n MAWN-ti'n)

A large mountain range making up the eastern edge of the Phoenix valley.

, Goldfield, and Tortilla Flat
Tortilla Flat(to'r-TE-ya'h fla't)

A small, flat area along the Apache Trail. This town was originally used as a stop between Phoenix and Roosevelt Dam during construction.

. This road takes you from the edge of Mesa to Roosevelt Lake
Roosevelt Lake(ROS-e'-ve'lt lak)

Roosevelt Lake spans 17,000 surface acres, with 89 miles of shoreline; this is the biggest lake in Central Arizona.


East Clear Creek

This is a beautiful hiking and camping area about half an hour north of Strawberry just off of SR87, and as you can tell, the scenery is worth backpacking to.

Four Peaks Wilderness Area

An area over 60,000 acres with peaks rising beyond 7,600 feet, this area includes very diverse plant life, and scenic views such as Sugarloaf Mountain, and the Four Peaks themselves.

Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon(gra'nd KA'N-yu'n)

Located entirely in northern Arizona, the park encompasses 277 miles of the Colorado River and adjacent uplands. One of the most spectacular examples of erosion anywhere in the world, Grand Canyon is unmatched in the incomparable vistas it offers to visitors on the rim.

, one of the seven wonders of the world, is difficult to accurately capture on film.

Horton Springs

A beautifully lush and green area, Horton Creek flows year-round from water pouring out of the mountain side.


Jerome is an old Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

ghost town founded in the mid-to-late 1800s. Once having population of over 15,000 thriving miners, this town now has a mere 350 residents.

Knoll Lake

Knoll Lake and surrounding areas, including shots off the edge of the Mogollon Rim and off of Forest Road 300

Lake Havasu

Home of the famous London Bridge, Havasu Lake is created out of a stretch of the Colorado River
Colorado River(col-o-RA'D-o RI'-ve'r)

The river, which over millions of years of erosion, formed the Grand Canyon.

in Western Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.


Mogollon Rim

Being atop the Rim quickly brings you hundreds of feet over the valley below. The photos in this section are taken from the very edge of the Rim.


Prescott was the capital of Arizona

The State of Arizona comprises the extreme south-western portion of the United States. It is bounded on the north by Utah, on the east by New Mexico, on the south by Mexico, and on the west by California and Nevada.

when the state was only a U.S. Territory. In and around the city is quite a bit of our history.


Pictures in and around Sedona, The Village Of Oak Creek, and views of the landscape in the area.


Tombstone, once one of the largest cities in the southwest, is a major tourist attraction with its authenticate old west buildings and century-old bullet holes.

Tonto Natural Bridge

The Tonto Natural Bridge
Tonto Natural Bridge(TO'N-to NA'T-ur-o'l bri'j)

The world's largest natural travertine bridge (400 feet wide) arches 183 feet above sparkling Pine Creek.

is a naturally-formed bridge with a spring running through it. Here are views of the bridge and the surrounding areas.

Verde Canyon

This area, carved over time by the Verde River and one of the many copper mining locations in the state, the Verde Canyon is home to the bald eagle, the American symbol.

West Clear Creek

This area is several miles south of Lake Mary Rd. The water in this area makes everything in the Canyon exceptionally green.

Woods Canyon Lake

This recreational area, including Chevelon Creek and views over the Mogollon Rim, is great for hiking, biking, camping, and relaxing.

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