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Arizona Paths
Arizona Paths

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"You know you live in Arizona when... see more irrigation water on the street than there is in the Salt River."

Restaurant Review
Coffee Works

I've been to but a few coffee houses since the trend began, and it's usually because such a visit requires taking out a second mortgage. So I was intrigued when I walked into the beautifully decorated, brand new Coffee Works. The atmosphere is clean and comfortable, and the price is just right.

Feature Article
The First Camping Trip Of The Year: Day 3
by Nick Coons

I slept quite a bit better on my "home-made" pillow, or, I should say, "over-slept." The cold crisp morning air was refreshing, and lasted only for a short time as the sun made its way over the canyon walls.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

A woman from Pennsylvania was taking her first car trip to Arizona, and was asking a few friends for advice.

A friend of hers made an observation, "People in Arizona don't drive the speed limit, they drive the temperature."
(more jokes...)

The RedSeven Computer Company

PC Chat Computer Radio Show
PC Chat