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Arizona Paths

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"You know you live in Arizona when...
...the temperature drops below 95, you feel a bit chilly."

Restaurant Review
T. C. Eggington's

Open for breakfast and lunch, this restaurant with its cozy atmosphere makes both a choice place to wake up with in the morning as well as a comfortable spot for a lunch meeting. We received a friendly welcome and were seated as soon as we entered.

Feature Article
Snakes Moving From Hibernation
by Nick Coons

It's starting to warm up again, which means that it's time to head outdoors. Safety is always a concern when heading into remote areas, and snakes are commonly encountered. They come out of their winter hibernation and begin looking for food.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

Two guys were hunting in the forest when they unexpectedly came across a very large brown bear. Immediatey, they both took off running. After a few minutes, one guy abruptly stopped running, took off his backpack, and pulled out a pair of running shoes.

The other guy saw this and was wondering what was going on. So he stopped, ran back to the first guy and asked, "Why are you putting on your running shoes? Do you really think you are going to be able to out run that bear with those?"

The other guy replied, "I don't have to out run the bear, I just have to out run YOU!"
(more jokes...)

The RedSeven Computer Company

PC Chat Computer Radio Show
PC Chat