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Arizona Paths
Arizona Paths

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"You know you live in Arizona when... break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30 a.m. before work."

Restaurant Review
Cafe Ted

We walked into Cafe Ted after spending a good portion of the afternoon at the hair salon. We happened to be in that neck of the woods when my friend suggested we go to her favorite cafe. We made the drive to Pinnacle Peak, and parked in the parking lot of the Citadel and made our way to have lunch.

Feature Article
Most Mistakes Ever
by Nick Coons

Recently I had a very interesting dining experience. I won't mention the restaurant's name, because it's uncharacteristic for this dining spot that we otherwise love so much. A small group of us walked in on a Friday evening where we were greeted and seated as usual. And the reason this was such an interesting experience was because of the myriad of mistakes made by our server.

Arizona Dry Humor / Jokes
Joke Of The Week

An elderly Eastern motorist and his wife driving through Arizona on vacation saw a horseman riding alongside the road and stopped to ask if he were a real cowboy. The man answered, "Yes."

"We recognize your hat, shirt, leather vest and Levi's as authentic Western wear," the motorist said, "but why are you wearing tennis shoes?"

"Because if I wore boots people would think I was a truck driver," he replied.
(more jokes...)

The RedSeven Computer Company

PC Chat Computer Radio Show
PC Chat