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The First Camping Trip Of The Year: Day 3

by Nick Coons
Jun 11, 2003

<< Day 2

I slept quite a bit better on my "home-made" pillow, or, I should say, "over-slept." The cold crisp morning air was refreshing, and lasted only for a short time as the sun made its way over the canyon walls.

Some breakfast, hot chocolate, and it was time to pack up. We headed out, doing our best to follow the same path we took to the campsite, and trying not to get stuck on a peninsula. Those of you that have backpacked along a creek in a canyon know what I'm talking about.

A quick rest and a dip in the creek were in order once we arrived at the bottom of the trail to hike back up the canyon walls. While we were sitting there relaxing, a bald eagle flew overhead. I was amazed. By the time I realized this was an excellent picture opportunity, he had vanished into the woods.

We made our way back up the canyon wall, which took nearly one hour. I was almost positive it took us only twenty minutes to go down when we arrived. For a while we thought we might have been on the wrong path and hiked right past the truck.

I finally saw the truck through the trees, and sprinted the last thirty feet. My first reaction was to jump in the truck and turn on the air conditioning, and it was a good reaction.

As we made our way back to SR87, we recapped the trip, talking about how much fun we had, and what great pictures we took. And since we didn't see a single person, and no evidence that anyone had been there in quite some time, we will definitely be going back.

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